Anastacia Rodriquez, beloved mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, and friend, passed away peacefully, leaving behind a legacy of love, dedication, and resilience. Born on May 17, 1927, in Moca, Puerto Rico, Anastacia devoted her life to her family and her passions. Alongside her late husband, Mario Perez, she moved to Florida to build a life for their children, working tirelessly to support them and instilling in them the values of hard work, compassion, and unity.
Anastacia’s love for flowers and animals was evident in everything she did, bringing beauty and joy to those around her. Her culinary skills were unparalleled, making her an extraordinary chef whose meals brought family and friends together. Her warmth and laughter made every gathering special, and her role as a grandmother brought immeasurable joy to her heart and to the lives of her grandchildren.
Anastacia is survived by her sons, Ramon Perez, William Perez, Roberto Perez, and Rafael Perez; her daughters, Yolanda Perez, Brunilda Perez, Phyllis Perez, Ada Christales, and Alisia Quinones; as well as numerous grandchildren who cherish her memory. She was preceded by her husband, Mario Perez Rodriguez, her sons, Mario Perez Junior, Celestino Perez, and Miguel Angel Perez, and her grandchildren Michael Perez and Jamie Perez.
The funeral service will be held on Saturday November 9th at Haisley Funeral and Cremation. A public viewing will be held at 11:00 a.m., with the burial to follow immediately after at Riverview Memorial Park in Fort Pierce.
Anastacia Rodriquez, querida madre, hermana, tía, abuela y amiga, falleció pacíficamente, dejando un legado de amor, dedicación y resiliencia. Nacida el 17 de mayo de 1927 en Moca, Puerto Rico, Anastacia dedicó su vida a su familia y a sus pasiones. Junto a su difunto esposo, Mario Perez, se mudó a Florida para construir una vida para sus hijos, trabajando incansablemente para apoyarlos e inculcándoles los valores de trabajo arduo, compasión y unidad.
El amor de Anastacia por las flores y los animales era evidente en todo lo que hacía, trayendo belleza y alegría a quienes la rodeaban. Sus habilidades culinarias eran incomparables, lo que la convertía en una chef extraordinaria cuyos platillos unían a familiares y amigos. Su calidez y risa hacían que cada reunión fuera especial, y su papel como abuela traía una alegría inmensa a su corazón y a las vidas de sus nietos.
El servicio fúnebre se llevará a cabo el sábado 9 de noviembre en Haisley Funeral and Cremación. La visita pública será a las 11:00 a.m., seguida inmediatamente por el entierro en el Riverview Memorial Park en Fort Pierce.
A Anastacia le sobreviven sus hijos, Ramon Pérez, William Pérez, Roberto Pérez y Rafael Pérez; sus hijas, Yolanda Pérez, Brunilda Pérez, Phyllis Pérez, Ada Cristales y Alicia Quiñones; así como numerosos nietos que atesoran su memoria.
Prediciéndole en muerte su esposo; Mario Pérez Rodriguez, sus hijos Mario Pérez Junior, Celestino Pérez y Miguel Angel Pérez y su nietos Michael Pérez y Jamie Pérez.
My Brilliant Mother
by Casey Gamble
When my mother passed away, Her absence left its mark. I'll use her light to guide me When this journey of grief feels dark.
The greatest gifts she gave me Are courage, strength, and resilience. I wouldn't be able to handle this pain If it wasn't for her brilliance.
She prepared me for the future, Taught me how to face my fears. Now the future is here, but she is gone, And everything seems unclear.
She'd been with me from the start With constant, unwavering love. Though she's moved on from this world, I know she's watching from above.
She would tell me to be strong now. And continue on without her. So I'll be sure to lead a worthwhile life In honor of my brilliant mother.
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